Thursday, August 22, 2019


Maddy came across this Indian poutine in Los Angeles. Thanks Maddy for your review.

She said, " It was chicken Tikka on top of curds, spiced fries and good ole gravy on top (plus parsley). It was great. Actually I think in this case it was butter chicken and it went really well with the fries (not too stiff, not too soggy), the curds were melty and the gravy was hilariously traditional."

Funny thing. Maddy is originally from Montreal. And has never had poutine. As she says, " It took coming to LA to claim my cultural inheritance."

"I'd give it a 3 out of 5 curds but just because I suspect there are better poutines out there." Go get 'em Maddy and let us know about what other poutines you discover!

Badmaash, 108 W. 2nd Street, Downtown Los Angeles
Phone: 213-221-7466

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